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From What If to What Next

Oct 31, 2020

Doughnut Economics is rapidly moving from the fringe to the mainstream. Amsterdam in Holland was recently confirmed as the first ‘Doughnut City’, using the model to underpin its economic development strategy. Many other cities are also moving towards adopting this powerful and fascinating tool for reimagining...

Oct 31, 2020

Allow me to present one of my very favourite episodes of ‘From What If to What Next’ thus far. The question we explore in this episode is ‘What if imagination were a universal right?’ My guests to explore this are Ariane Conrad, writer, activist and ‘book doula’ (editorial consultant and collaborative...

Oct 31, 2020

As we start, hopefully, to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately affected older people, many people have experienced an end to their lives that was lonely and traumatic. How different would the world feel if its priorities had changed to being one where the end of life was treated with the same...